Sunday, August 1, 2010

Boys lined up for morning flag ceremony and announcements

Boys Life area - neckerchief slides and hiking sticks.

Grampa getting his George Albert Smith Award.

Tucker being awarded his George Albert Smith Award. "Pathways of righteousness lead to highways of happiness" Quote from President G.A. Smith to a neighbor boy. President Smith was a huge supporter of scouting.

US Army NASCAR - the armed forces had a giant display for each branch.

National Guard rope bridge and zip lines

Elvis patch from Memphis Council on the National Guard patch board

Got to have red eye brows to match the hair

BSA emblem carved into hair - passed him walking the 2.5 miles to the merit badge midway

Scouts in old fashion uniforms

1 comment:

M and W said...

Congrats to you and Tucker on the awards!!! I love the pictures!