Sunday, August 1, 2010

July 31

Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs was the hit of the show, he has a website with a link to scouts. He has a petition up to add that scouts are clean , but not afraid of dirt. Mike is an Eagle Scout.

We sat in a light rain for most of the show.

Army special ops parachuters.

Troop 1613 waiting for the show.

Josh fell asleep sitting and waiting for the show to start

A sea of scouts waiting for the show

Waiting for the show to start

Hiking into the arena - looking for our seats

Mr. Oliver is working security

Headed to the big arena show - 2.5 miles with lots of friends. Our guys were constantly chanting "Texas Texas Texas", drowning out all the other states.

In total there were 64,000 at the arena show. President Obama had a 3 minute taped speech that was played before the show started to make up for missing the traditional opening ceremony. I had to ask the scouts around us from other troops not to boo, about half of the people around us turned their backs on the speech. When it was over there was very little applause and no cheering.

The Brownsea Island reenactment, the staff is sitting in front in period costume.

Brownsea Island - Mrs. Raalte and Baden Powell actors

Scout hot air balloons lifting off early in the morning by camp.

1 comment:

M and W said...