Friday, March 4, 2011

This past week I have been in KL for meetings. I flew back to BJ today and got into BJ in time to go to a branch pizza party at a big pizza place in BJ. The branch president lives in my building so I called him and we went to the party together. He is a retire Air Force pilot, now working for Boeing in BJ. His wife is not back yet either, so we are both baching it for a few weeks. I will be coming back to Houston on April 8th. We are planning to Bless Anna and Jeff's new one on the 10th, assuming he is born by then. Today was warm in BJ, the snow is all melted. Tomorrow is District Conference - we have a evening adult session.


Anna said...

Busy out there!!! I can't believe we'll have a baby when you get her.e

Tonia said...

We didn't forget your birthday! We have a gift and card but Ben said to hang on to it till you get here!